Business Zones - B1  B2  B3  B4 B6

Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre

1 Objectives of zone

• To provide a range of small-scale retail, business and community uses that serve the needs of people who live or work in the surrounding neighbourhood.

• To allow for residential accommodation and other uses while maintaining active retail, business or other non-residential uses at the street level.

2 Permitted without consent

Building identification signs; Business identification signs

3 Permitted with consent

Advertisements; Advertising structures; Amusement centres; Backpackers’ accommodation; Bed and breakfast accommodation;Boarding houses; Business premises; Car parks; Child care centres;Community facilities; Entertainment facilities; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information and education facilities; Landscape and garden supplies; Neighbourhood shops; Office premises; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Registered clubs; Retail premises; Roads; Seniors housing; Service stations; Shop top housing; Timber and building supplies; Veterinary hospitals

4 Prohibited

Any development not specified in item 2 or 3

Zone B2 Local Centre

1 Objectives of zone

• To provide a range of retail, business, entertainment and community uses that serve the needs of people who live in, work in and visit the local area.

• To encourage employment opportunities in accessible locations.

• To maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling.

• To allow for residential accommodation and other uses while maintaining active retail, business or other non-residential uses at the street level.

2 Permitted without consent

Building identification signs; Business identification signs

3 Permitted with consent

Advertisements; Advertising structures; Amusement centres; Boarding houses; Bulky goods premises; Business premises; Car parks; Child care centres; Community facilities; Educational establishments; Entertainment facilities; Exhibition homes; Function centres; Funeral chapels; Funeral homes; Hostels; Information and education facilities; Landscape and garden supplies; Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Pubs; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Residential flat buildings; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Roads; Self-storage units; Seniors housing; Service stations; Sex services premises; Shop top housing; Timber and building supplies; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Vehicle sales or hire premises; Veterinary hospitals; Wholesale supplies

4 Prohibited

Any development not specified in item 2 or 3

Zone B3 Commercial Core

1 Objectives of zone

• To provide a wide range of retail, business, office, entertainment, community and other suitable land uses that serve the needs of the local and wider community.

• To encourage appropriate employment opportunities in accessible locations.

• To maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling.

• To strengthen the role of the Wollongong city centre as the regional business, retail and cultural centre of the Illawarra region.

• To provide for high density residential development within a mixed use development if it:

(a) is in a location that is accessible to public transport, employment, retail, commercial and service facilities, and 

(b) contributes to the vitality of the Wollongong city centre.

2 Permitted without consent

Building identification signs; Business identification signs

3 Permitted with consent

Advertisements; Advertising structures; Amusement centres; Boarding houses; Bulky goods premises; Business premises; Car parks; Child care centres; Community facilities; Educational establishments; Entertainment facilities; Exhibition homes; Function centres; Funeral chapels; Funeral homes; Helipads; Hostels; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information and education facilities; Landscape and garden supplies; Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Pubs; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Roads; Self-storage units; Seniors housing; Service stations; Sex services premises; Shop top housing; Timber and building supplies; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Vehicle sales or hire premises; Veterinary hospitals; Wholesale supplies 

4 Prohibited

Any development not specified in item 2 or 3

Zone B4 Mixed Use

1 Objectives of zone

• To provide a mixture of compatible land uses.

• To integrate suitable business, office, residential, retail and other development in accessible locations so as to maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling.

• To support nearby or adjacent commercial centres without adversely impacting on the viability of those centres.

2 Permitted without consent

Building identification signs; Business identification signs

3 Permitted with consent

Advertisements; Advertising structures; Amusement centres; Boarding houses; Bulky goods premises; Business premises; Car parks; Child care centres; Community facilities; Educational establishments; Entertainment facilities; Environmental facilities; Exhibition homes; Function centres; Funeral chapels; Funeral homes; Hostels; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information and education facilities; Landscape and garden supplies; Multi dwelling housing; Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Registered clubs; Residential flat buildings; Retail premises; Roads; Self-storage units; Seniors housing; Service stations; Shop top housing; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Vehicle body repair workshops; Vehicle repair stations; Vehicle sales or hire premises; Veterinary hospitals; Wholesale supplies

4 Prohibited

Any development not specified in item 2 or 3

Zone B6 Enterprise Corridor

1 Objectives of zone

• To promote businesses along main roads and to encourage a mix of compatible uses.

• To provide a range of employment uses (including business, office, retail and light industrial uses) and residential uses (but only as part of a mixed use development). 

• To maintain the economic strength of centres by limiting retailing activity.

• To encourage activities which will contribute to the economic and employment growth of Wollongong.

• To allow some diversity of activities that will not:

(a) significantly detract from the operation of existing or proposed development, or

(b) significantly detract from the amenity of nearby residents,


(c) have an adverse impact upon the efficient operation of the surrounding road system.

2 Permitted without consent

Building identification signs; Business identification signs

3 Permitted with consent

Advertisements; Advertising structures; Bulky goods premises; Business premises; Car parks; Child care centres; Community facilities; Depots; Entertainment facilities; Environmental facilities; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industrial retail outlets; Landscape and garden supplies; Light industries; Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreational facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Roads; Service stations; Serviced apartments; Sex services premises; Shop top housing; Storage premises; Take away food and drink premises; Timber and building supplies; Transport depots; Truck depots; Vehicle sales or hire premises; Veterinary hospitals; Warehouse or distribution centres

4 Prohibited

Any development not specified in item 2 or 3

Zone B7 Business Park

1 Objectives of zone

• To provide a range of office and light industrial uses.

• To encourage employment opportunities.

• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of workers in the area.

2 Permitted without consent

Building identification signs; Business identification signs

3 Permitted with consent

Advertisements; Advertising structures; Business premises; Child care centres; Community facilities; Helipads; Hotel or motel accommodation; Kiosks; Light industries; Neighbourhood shops; Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Recreation facilities (indoor); Roads; Warehouse or distribution centres

4 Prohibited

Any development not specified in item 2 or 3